Step by step: Building and Deploying PharmacyGPP – Sales Management Software

PharmacyGPP – Sales Management Software works on all platforms. Flexible configuration for any business. Building and Deploying: All you need is a Desktop Computer or Laptop or POS machine in each store.

  • Multi-language support.
  • Set up stores in multiple countries with different tax regions and currencies.
  • Synchronize data in real time.

Start your business with zero investment

You only need a computer in each store (Laptop or PC or POS)

1. Use “Administrator” account on Windows
because it relates to the Database permissions in SQL Server

2. Change the Name of your Windows Computer (HeadOffice or Server01 or Store1 or…)
Grow your business or Expand your business

3. Install SQL Server (version: 2005 or 2008 or 2012 or 2014 or 2016 or 2017 or 2019)

4. Install PharmacyGPP (Attention: Add Exclusion in Anti-virus programs)

5. Install Components (Microsoft Visual J#, Visual C++, Access Database Engine, .NET Framework)

6. Database Connection: PharmacyGPP is Configuring the Database for first time use

7. Pharmacy GPP: Run first time

8. Providing Initial Data:
1. Product List
2. Units and Sales price
3. Beginning inventory and/or Purchase invoice
4. Employee List and User rights
5. Supplier List
6. Customer List (optional)
7. Reward point, Revenue and Debt (optional)

Support: with a smart data preparation tool, PharmacyGPP Sales Management Software helps your Business to Load the Entire Data from old data (Suppliers, Customer, Units, Products, Employee, Reward point, Beginning inventory)

Tip: “if you want to sell now”PharmacyGPP – Sales Management Software provides a function: Negative Sale (Sell First-Then Update)

You use more computers in each store

1. Computer_01: use it as Server ➜ install and use (Case 1)
And one more step: Configure SQL Server
2. Computer_02, computer_03, computer_04, … ➜ Client/ POS machine
a/ Use only step 4 and 5 of Case 1
b/ Connect to SQL Server of Computer_01

Multi Store - Supply Chain Management

Each Branch: Computer_01: use it as Server. And three steps:
1./ Download and install Dropbox or Google Drive or One Drive
2./ Setting: Sync the data between Branches
3./ Change default currency and language (optional)

If you have any questions about Building and Deploying. Please let me know in the comment section below!

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