Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty

Customer Relationship Management – CRM and Customer Loyalty in Sales Management Software PharmacyGPP is a powerful marketing tool. Add as many customers as you’d like and store their contact information, birthday, shopping preferences, or any other information. The more info you have, the better you will meet your customer’s specific needs, improving the chances of attracting and will help your business sell more.

Multiple Address Registration

Fill out as many addresses as needed. Very useful for business customers with several branches, or if you want to add both the business and residential address of your client.

Customer Management Process

Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty

See more CRM (Quickly), Customer Relationship Management (Advanced)

  • In the sales process, in addition to consulting – supporting customers. You must collect and update Customer’s information: Full name, occupation, date of birth, phone, gender, address, email, social network, workplace, income, family,… hobbies, desires, finance situation,… consumption habits, customer channels purchased, interaction history, purchase history, feedback, etc.
  • CRM and Customer Loyalty in Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP is used to research, capture, analyze, nurture, and optimize information associated with customer behavior, demographics, inclinations, buying preferences, etc to improve customer interactions, lead generations, conversions, and sales of products and services.
  • All of this information is easily accessible in the back office or right from the POS, so you can access your customer’s data from anywhere.

Key Features of CRM and Customer Loyalty
in Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP

  • Create detailed customer data base.
  • Input notes about specific customers to better gear towards them.
  • Quickly create and save customers during transactions.
  • Add customers and input their contact info either directly in POS.
  • Turn once-in-a-while shoppers into regulars.
  • Run loyalty program to reward customers for their recurring purchases.
  • Be notified when customers earn enough points to redeem a reward.
  • Be notified the CUSTOMER screen to see all upcoming birthdays.
  • Manually edit a customer’s existing number of loyalty points.
  • Send marketing materials to customers by their Email addresses or SMS.
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty

See video Customer care

  • Customers can use the loyalty program and receive rewards across all of your chain stores.
  • You can issue a loyalty card with a barcode for easy customer identification for future visits.
  • Customers can see their current loyalty point balance on the printed or emailed receipt.
  • Start your loyalty program in just one click by setting the reward percentage from each purchase.
  • No extra apps, equipment, or fees are needed. Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP already has loyalty functionality.

Wouldn’t that be a pleasant surprise for your clients to receive a Happy Birthday message, along with a gift or special offer for that product that they love?

Report and Analytic in CRM and Customer Loyalty

Customer History

Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
  • View customer purchase history to provide personalized service.
  • See the database of your customers from all outlets across your store chain.
  • Check customers’ balance, history of their purchases, total amount spent, current loyalty point balance, total rewards redeemed, and notes on their preferences.

Customer Grouping

Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer group
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer group
  • Your customers aren’t all the same. They may live in different locations, buy different products, frequent your store at different times, or have a special status that you want to track. Organize them into groups to better track their behavior and respond appropriately.
  • With CRM and Customer Loyalty in Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP, you can organize your customers into groups and sub-groups: VIPs, friends & family, loyalty members, wholesalers, or however else you want to segment them.
  • Create discounts for each group of Customers, can set up additional discount requirements according to order value.
  • Filter reports by customer group. Use customer groups to give you more insight into your sales. Do different customer groups buy different product sets? How do they respond to promotions and discounts?

Win Back Inactive Customers

Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
  • CRM and Customer Loyalty in Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP offers a list of customers that haven’t been shopping with you in a while, or within any specific period. Last week, last month, for the whole year: it’s your pick!
  • Use it in your favor: reach out to them offering special offers so you’ll have a chance to get them back to your store.

See video Customer care
See more about Price List

Strategic Analysis and Planning 

Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty
Customer Relationship Management, CRM Software, Customer Loyalty

See more about Report and Analytic

  • Each client will have a complete and detailed chronological list of transactions. That’s a good opportunity to get in touch with them, letting them know about that promotion in particular that you’ve been preparing for those items that may be of their interest!
  • Use CRM and Customer Loyalty in Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP to capture and organize customer data.
  • Not only does this enable customer outreach, like pick-up calls and emailed receipts, but it also provides your marketing team with valuable information, enabling you to better communicate with your customers.
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