• Operating and managing multi-stores is complex and challenging. While the operational aspects of these stores may not seem so different from a single store’s operations when examined individually, but when observed as a whole, their scale and variability require a unique management approach.
  • How can you efficiently manage a multi-store structure? There are several ways you should manage sales, promotions, inventory, time, and other things differently in a multi-store environment to achieve greater efficiency, reduced costs, and improved profitability.
  • Manage your entire retail chain with Sales Management Software | PharmacyGPP – Links your remote locations to your headquarters and allows for operations to be centrally managed for consistency and better visibility across your chain. Unified, detailed reporting gives access to comprehensive data for better forecasting and management of all locations rather than each individual store, providing more growth opportunities and a better ROI.

Key Features of Multi-Store Management
in Sales Management Software Free – PharmacyGPP

  • Set up stores and locations, manage your pricing, manage your employees, manage your customers, manage your vendors, create business-wide promotions or assign price lists to certain locations, and track store activity across the entire retail chain.
  • Take control of your chain of stores from anywhere in real time.
  • Multi-store management systems aid enterprises in optimizing inventory management. Tracking and allows managers to set minimum quantities to have in inventory for the whole network, or for their own stores.
  • Better Price Lists: PharmacyGPP POS allows you to push price lists from head office to stores in the network. The stores that receive the price list can accept all changes, or adjust prices to their local market. Stores can also offer local products that are not offered by head office to better serve their specific clientele.
  • Effective Reporting: PharmacyGPP POS allows head office and/or stores to access store reports and take action on them. Stores can also create user access for an accountant to be able to manage their accounting remotely. This is a wonderful cost saver for our clients.
  • Tracking Sales: PharmacyGPP POS allows you to centralize and harmonize sale tracking with one powerful system.
  • Evaluating Promotions: PharmacyGPP POS helps you roll out various kinds of promotions and track their success at various store locations. Managing, monitoring, and evaluating various promotional drives happening within the entire network.
  • Proper Access Management: PharmacyGPP POS allows networks to have a Master account (usually managed by Head Office) and Sub-Master accounts. Sub-master accounts are usually managed by a store owner that owns more than one store within the network. Allowing them to manage all of their stores from one place is a great timesaver for them and Head Office. Managers can also create and allocate different roles and access levels within the POS system.
  • Effective Management of Costs: At the end of the day, you can keep track of all the expenses in your business and evaluate their contribution to the value of your network.
  • Deliver Consistent Customer Service and Loyalty Programs.
  • Manage your business from the top-down or grant specific software access to each of your managers.
  • All features come with robust reporting capabilities that are easy to use without the help of third-party staff or investment in complex hardware.
  • With Multi-Store management in Sales Management Software – PharmacyGPP offers zero cost, effort solutions to help you manage everything from cash registers to special pricing lists. We easy to use modules will help your business save time, money, and resources – in both the short and long term.


Grow your business from one to hundreds of stores.
  • Grow your business from one to hundreds of stores.
  • Compare performance of your stores.
  • Continuously grow to a powerful chain by analyzing and multiplying the best practices for each outlet.
  • Expand your business with ease just by adding new outlets whenever you need it in just one click.
  • Manage items, employees and customers across multiple locations.
See more about Sales

Inventory Management

Multi-stores in multiple countries with different tax regions and currencies.
  • Manage your inventory for all stores from anywhere in real time.
  • Transfer items between stores.
  • Add your items to all your outlets from anywhere.
  • Set different prices to different stores to find the best pricing strategy.
  • Create business-wide promotions or assign price lists to certain locations.
See more about Inventory Management


  • Track the employees’ performance across all of your chain stores.
  • Set up the access of your workers only to certain stores and needed functionality.
  • Check the employee performance and reward them accordingly.
  • Control the working hours of your employees and use this data to pay them.
  • Find out the busiest hours across all stores and manage to cover them by needed human resources.
See more about Employee

Customer care

  • Manage a consolidated customer base from all of your outlets in one place.
  • Use the same rewarding system across all of your chain stores.
  • Reward regular purchasing customers from any locations.
  • See purchase history of your customers to know them better.
  • Add new customers with one click from any POS or from the Back Office
See more about Customer


  • Check all essential performance indicators of your chain stores in real-time and make balanced decisions.
  • Get an overview of the entire operations across all of your outlets.
  • Compare the performance of your outlets and set benchmarks of growth for each of your chain stores.
  • Check the important parameters in different stores, such as gross sales, net sales, gross profit, and many more.
  • See the best-selling products and expend your product line with the most selling items
See more about Report and Analytic
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